Guest Room Painted Wood Effect
If you caught the video "the starting point" you would see how this beam had been plastered and painted over to blend in with the original paint finish in this room. A tricky position being straight through the middle of room almost cutting it in half. For our Guest Room Makeover we have decided to make this a feature rather than trying to hide it and as such an Artisan Wood effect paint finish was done on it, probably what it once was once upon a time. The neat thing about being able to create your own wood effect is that you can control just how rustic you want it by the amount of times you pull the paint around and the level of sanding after the paint has dried. This paint finish has really made the room, it's taken a beam that to be honest was a bit of nuisance, and made it part of a design feature in the room. We absolutely love it especially paired with the Matte Estate Wall paint in rubbed sage adding a natural and organic feel to the room, working in with our sanctuary/ escape bedroom that we were looking to achieve. Take a look below at how simple it is to create a painted wood effect. Although we've used this as part of the bedroom, it can easily be created on furniture as well which we've included further below as inspiration for you.
Some furniture inspiration for painted wood Effects
To recreate the below use Artisan Potters Clay Premium Chalk Paint, Dark Wax, Old Espresso Wax and clear wax
Here's the Before Photo which was a plain door purchased from Mitre 10 that was painted over in the Artisan Wood Effect technique

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